What's Up Dog

We purchased our first pet about two years ago, an $800 mutt, who was considered to be "rescued." I was always under the impression that if you rescued something, you could accomplish that at a bargain. Seriously, if I drove up to a burning house, occupied by terrified and threatened people, would I have to dispense $800 to each one of them before carrying them out of the building? Anyway, I'm already off my main point. That is, I always wonder what the dog is thinking, or if it is at all.

Probably because I'm fascinated by psychological study, or more to the point, the true crime stuff that the TV puts out by the bucketful, dog analysis has been a form of self entertainment as of late. There may be a degree in this. My dissertation would be "Age Appropriate Behavior for Dogs in Modern Society." You see, I'm always commenting that our dog is doing what a teenage daughter would be doing if she were 15-16 years old, as our dog is over 2, making it, in my mind, about 16 human years.

So what is it the age appropriate behavior? Well, she tends to simply stare at you until you relinquish whatever she wants for starters. There is something that she possesses that makes you keenly aware that you are eventually going to give into her, because you love the thing. She seems to be very moody when she gets tired, and she openly sighs at me for trying to play with her if she has determined that she is done for the moment. In a few minutes though, you can be sure she will require attention.

It could as easily be a son, and not a daughter. This dog, I would assume, would lead towards ignoring you most of the time, content to be alone playing adolescent puppy X-Box or Playstation. You know that he really is loyal, and when he wants to play, it's no joke, and it will be a taxing affair for the father. He probably display a peacock like behavior in public, and especially around the other male pups.

The father is the 7 year old dog, obviously, middle aged, a bit wiser, still wants to party, but can't do it like he did when he was 2. Man, he sure can do it for one night though, perhaps stealing an entire cheese tray from the kitchen island, maybe a cake, perhaps a slice of pizza if he can reach with his paws. He'll think he's back in dog college until the next day, when his system is basically shut down, and he just lays on the couch, barely able to comprehend what football is, and hoping the puppies won't touch him.

I don't know too much about the mother dog, because I refuse to guess improperly and get myself into trouble. Let's just say that she still has a lovely coat, and keeps a close eye on everything that occurs in the house. There is no smell, sight, or sound that escapes her senses. The other dogs will do as she wishes if they're smart.

So, my personal product suggestion is for the older dogs today. Your 7 year old father and mother dogs could use the dog stairs to get up to their favorite spot next to you. Father dog has put on a few pounds, and may be starting to get a little arthritic. Mommy dog is getting the same, although she is much prettier, and won't admit that she needs a little boost. Be kind and buy them some stairs, located in the Pet Collection. 

                                                                  Uncle Mike